5 Designers You Should Steer Clear of
We’ve all had a thousand stories to tell about our clients, haven’t we? From the “oh-so-understanding” perfect clients to the most adamant perfectionists, each client gives us a unique experience to talk about or even learn from, sometimes. Now, how often do we think about the client’s perspective of things; like, what kind of stories would they have to share about us – the designers, or maybe are already discussing now?
Yes, they do that too. This is the part where you can probably think of the times you’ve lost your temper trying to convince the client about something, or the times you’ve messed up things, just because you needed an extended deadline to finish something perfectly.
Its OK. We’ve all been there. Just like clients, designers too have their own unique characteristics and ways of dealing with things.
However, there are some who may be too eager to finish the project, have a million doubts at every stage of the project, and some may know just what clicks, hey, perfectionists exist among designers too. From a client’s point of view, some of these kinds of designers are ones that they should probably keep away from.
So, this is for the clients. Here we list 5 types of designers who can do no good for you or your project. Make sure you steer clear of these people and as for the designers, make sure you don’t fall into any of these categories.
- The “Mr. Know-it-all” frauds – These kinds of designers are the ones that think that they know everything about everything. They will probably portray themselves as experts in their field and get you to believe that they are the most experienced designers (which they could be, in terms of years of experience alone) and how they are the best for the job. But later on, you will probably realize that your project looks like the latest collection of the free design templates available online and that there is absolutely nothing worth the money you just paid them. They probably think of themselves to be right all the time and others wrong, so they tend to avoid anyone else’s ideas. What’s more, they might just disappear with the money, once the project is delivered to you, and never be heard of again. Try telling him an opinion of yours. If he smilingly rejects it or turns it around to make it his own, then this is probably it.
- The “perfectionists” – These are the ones that spend hours at length trying to perfect a tiny little aspect of the project and finally end up not being able to deliver the project on time. They might have the most organized way of doing things and often cannot stand the thought of something being out of place. Even though the project might be the epitome of perfect, you probably won’t get it when you want it. Also, they might tend to ignore a lot of instructions because it’s just not their way of doing things and they might not even pay attention to any other ideas because they are just not perfect. Maybe you can try giving him a trial work for which you have a proper deadline and also have a clear idea of the time needed to complete and see if he can do it with full perfection. If he can, then you can go ahead and hire him, but if not don’t hire even if his so far is perfect.
- The “multi-taskers” – These kinds of designers often take up a number of projects to work on simultaneously and have no priorities set. They will probably also have a couple of ongoing freelance and personal projects too at the same time. As a result, they have absolutely no track of time and hence no track of due dates. The quality of their work on all of these projects also gets affected because they are focusing on numerous projects at the same time. In the end, you will probably be left with a completely off the schedule and substandard quality product, plus a whole lot of wasted time, effort, and money. Try getting a clear picture of the kind of work he already has on his plate before you hire a designer.
- The “clever foxes” – These are the ones that keep you updated on the advances of the project and keep telling you their bright ideas, which you probably might have nodded along with, because you thought your designer is the best. By the end, you will probably find yourself nodding yes to including something that they made you believe, the project cannot do without and end up spending twice the cost that you had planned and taking twice as much time as what you had initially planned for your project. If you hear a “Your project is almost done, but…..” then you probably have chosen the wrong designer.
- The “copy machines” – These kinds of designers often search the web for inspiration and new ideas, and finally end up literally stealing the design styles that they’ve browsed through. You don’t want your project website looking just like another one, do you? You certainly don’t want to be accused of copying the design of another website, right? Then you should probably stay away from these unoriginal copiers. They often have a history of similar looking websites and designs to their credit, so if you do your research before signing up with a designer, you can probably spot this one out pretty easily.
There are many other kinds of designers out there who have their own unique traits, like for example, ones who finish off projects ahead of the deadline, but with substandard quality, ones who are the opposite, that is extremely lazy and keep putting off deadlines and ones who like to work alone. The truth is that all kinds of designers have their negatives and positives. The real challenge is to find the one that is best for your project and how will you get there? Research, research and more research.
What other kinds of designers have you come across in your professional life that you think you should avoid? Share with us in the comments below.
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