Incorporating Streamlined Online Sales Management with SAP ECC Integration

Bemol, a leading business entity in Brazil, wanted to incorporate an automated and streamlined online store management.

SAP ECC and IBM WCS integration helped them develop custom workflows to control their online orders, credits, finance, and other retail functions. The project included the integration of SAP PI with IBM WCS using “Axis Adaptor” to support the OAGIS message format of WCS.


About the Customer

Bemol, a leading business entity in Brazil, wanted to incorporate online sales into the current sales process of the existing central business system SAP ECC, enabling SAP ECC to provide a 360-degree view of the business information and maintain sales of all channels. They also wanted to enable an automated controlled flow of online orders, and enhance exception handling & logging mechanisms.

How we helped our client

  Online Order Management

Seamless implementation of an online order management cockpit in SAP ECC.

  Simplified Workflow

Developed custom workflow to manage online orders, approval process, and provide exceptional handling proxies for easy monitoring.

  Other Implementations

Implemented Alert configuration in PI, and Queue Prioritization in SAP PI.

  Better Communication

Performance tuning of SAP PI interface for better communication. Developed client proxies with IBM WCS to communicate with SAP mechanisms.

Kristen Betts

The entire engagement was completely transparent and very systematic. It’s been an exceptional working experience.

Rono Polito

They’ve also been great at meeting the needs of our timeframe versus theirs.

Michael Becker

They were highly responsive to our needs.

Steven King

Reviews from engineers testify that their code was consistently solid and comprehensively documented.

Richard Helsby

Fingent’s project team demonstrated passion and commitment throughout the dev cycle and it was very evident in their work.