Top 10 Tech Stack That Reign Software Development in 2024

What is a Tech Stack?

A tech stack, also known as a software stack or development stack, is a combination of programming languages, frameworks, libraries, tools, and technologies that are used to develop and deploy a software application or system.

A tech stack provides a standardized and organized approach to software development, enabling developers to leverage the existing tools, libraries, and frameworks to build efficient and reliable applications. In other words, a tech stack represents the layers of software components and infrastructure that work together to create a functioning software product.

Layers and Components That Constitute a Technology Stack

There are three key components that make up a tech stack:

Client-side (frontend)

Client-facing side that consists of what the user sees and interacts with. Frontend technologies include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and UI frameworks and libraries.

Server-side (backend)

The logic that runs behind the application and its features. Various backend programming languages and tools are used for handling the requests coming from the client-facing side. Backend technologies include web frameworks, programming languages, servers, and operating systems.


Enables the storage of application data like user profiles or information about the product or software.


1. Operating System (OS)
2. Server-Side Programming
3. Web Server
4. Database
5. Client-Side Programming
6. Frontend Frameworks/ Libraries
7. Deployment & Infrastructure
The specific technologies and components chosen for each layer may vary depending on your project requirements, scalability needs, performance considerations, target platforms (web, mobile, desktop), and your software development partner’s expertise.

Got An Idea Or Software Requirement?

Top 10 Tech Stacks Used for Software Development in 2024

  • A classic, time-tested stack of technologies that stands for – Linux (Operating System), Apache (Web Server), MySQL (Database), and PHP (Programming Language).
  • LAMP is one of the first open-source software stacks commonly used to develop and deliver web applications today.
  • Efficiently handles dynamic web pages wherein content changes each time when a page is loaded.
  • Allows you to choose components based on your specific business requirements. For instance, instead of Linux OS, you can choose Windows OS to form a WAMP stack or macOS to form a MAMP stack. You can also swap PHP in the stack with Perl or Python to get the desired results.

Benefits of Using Tech Stacks in Software Development

7 Tips For Choosing Your Technology Stack

Сhoosing, the right technology stack for your web development is a success factor for a project. Aligning technology stack opportunities with your web development functionalities might not suffice in each case, as there are multiple factors to look upon when choosing a technology stack for your project. Here are seven aspects that can help you make the right choice.
7 Factors to Consider when Choosing the Right Tech Stack
1. Define the scope of the project
2. Scalability requirements
3. Technology & Team Expertise
4. Time to market
5. Security requirements
6. Maintenance
7. Development Cost

Define project size, complexity, and functionality

The tech stack used for a small project might vary from that used for bigger projects. The size of the project is a key factor to look out for when choosing a technology stack. Also, the complexity and functionalities of your project matter. If your project is complex and includes heavy functionalities, it is wiser to choose an advanced technology stack.

Scalability requirements

As your project progresses and grows, the tech stack should have the potential to scale sufficiently. You should choose a technology stack that allows for adding new compelling features and handles unpredictable increases in user numbers.

Technology & Team Expertise

It’s important to determine whether or not your team will be able to maintain the application once it is deployed. Consider your team’s experience and expertise when choosing a tech stack. It will be better if you know that your team can use a tech stack successfully and doesn’t require additional training; otherwise, there is no need to consider one.

Time to market

When choosing a tech stack, ensure that it can accelerate your development process without hampering the quality and closes within the deadline.

Security requirements

If your app will handle confidential user data and information, security plays a major role. You need to pick a robust tech stack with fully secured standards & support a high-end security framework to meet your app development goals.


The development process doesn’t end with the app launch, which needs ongoing nurturing at every stage. It is a good practice to choose a tech stack that is easy to maintain by your development team for easy upgrades & regular maintenance.

Development Cost

Despite the fact that many technology stacks are available in the market as open source, they may not incorporate desired functionalities or features you are looking for. Most tech stacks come with a subscription fee if you need special or advanced features. Licensing and maintenance also incur a cost. Furthermore, some technology stacks demand huge salaries for their developers. The overall cost of the technology stack leans on all these factors.

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“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.”

– Abraham Lincoln

What Should Be Your Next Step?

Once you have compared and analyzed different technology stacks and discovered the best stack that fits your project, the next step is to start the software development process. But before you start, there is some groundwork to be done which involves these steps.
Project Planning
Plan the development process, determine the project scope, set timelines and milestones, and allocate resources accordingly.
Team Composition
Hire software developers and experts depending on the size and complexity of your project. Ensure your team has the necessary skills and experience to deliver the project.
Development Environment
Install the necessary software, tools, and libraries for setting up your development environment. Configure the environment correctly and provide the required level of access to your team members.
MVP Development
Develop a working Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that you can share with users to validate your idea. Add more features and functionalities based on the user feedback.
Testing and Deployment
Test the application thoroughly to identify and resolve bugs, ensure the application works as intended to give the desired results, and deploy it to the production environment.

How Fingent Helps?

Being a top custom software development company, Fingent adopts the most efficient and modern technology stacks that can make your software products highly competitive and capable of fulfilling your organization’s unique requirements. Here are some of the best practices we follow when selecting software stacks for our clients’ development projects:
With the right tech stack and a skilled software development team by your side, you can build innovative software solutions that solve your business challenges and delight your users. If you have any questions on tech stack selection or need free software consulting services, get in touch with our team.

